Computer all parts details
- Motherboard.
- Processor.
- Memory (RAM)
- Case/chassis.
- Power supply.
- Floppy drive.
- Hard disk.
- CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive.
Computer - Definition, parts, functions and its advantages
A computer is divided into three basic units namely:
- Input Unit
- Central Processing Unit
- Output Unit
These units are defined as below:
1) Input Unit
As the name suggests, this unit contains devices with the help of which the data is entered into the computer. This unit is a basic requirement for computer system. The input devices are of many types such as keyboard, mouse, joy stick, microphone, camera etc. Input devices give different set of input values converted into a form understandable to the computer.
2) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Central Processing Unit (CPU) is known as the brain of the computer. It performs all types of data processing operations as required by a programmer. It stores all the data, intermediate results, and instructions as given by the programmer in the form of codes (program). Central Processing unit controls the operation of each part of the computer.
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