
 Computer all parts details Here are the  components  and peripherals necessary to assemble a basic modern  PC  system: Motherboard. Processor. Memory (RAM) Case/chassis. Power supply. Floppy drive. Hard disk. CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive. Computer - Definition, parts, functions and its advantages                                            An electronic data processing device, which requires input raw data for processing and generates the output in desired form. It stores the data in its memory which can be accessed any number of times for reference from its memory. It is made up of a lot of electronics, software and mechanical parts. A computer is divided into three basic units namely: Input Unit Central Processing Unit Output Unit These units are defined as below: 1) Input Unit As the name suggests, this unit contains devices with the help of which the data is entered into the computer. This unit is a basic requirement for computer system. The input devices are of many types such
 COMPUTER HARDWERE From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search PDP-11  CPU board Computer hardware  includes the physical parts of a  computer , such as the  case , [1]   central processing unit  (CPU),  monitor ,  mouse ,  keyboard ,  computer data storage ,  graphics card ,  sound card ,  speakers  and  motherboard . [2] By contrast,  software  is the set of instructions that can be stored and run by hardware. Hardware is so-termed because it is " hard " or rigid with respect to changes, whereas software is "soft" because it is easy to change. Hardware is typically directed by the software to execute any command or  instruction . A combination of hardware and software forms a usable  computing  system, although  other systems  exist with only hardware. Von Neumann architecture [ edit ] Main articles:  Von Neumann architecture  and  Stored-program computer Von Neumann architecture scheme The template for all modern computers is the  Von
                                Computer Hardware Physical structure that houses a computer's processor, memory, storage, communication ports and peripheral devices. Each of these components (called devices) have a different purpose, which may be either accepting inputs, storing data or sending outputs. For example, a mouse and a microphone are input devices used to record user activities and transform them into data that is transmitted to the system unit. A hard disk is a storage unit where data is stored and accessed by other devices. A monitor or a speaker are output devices that transform processed data into (respectively) video and audio signals. Usually, the core components that represent the bare minimum that allow a computer to function are: Processor (CPU) The component that processes and executes inputs received from hardware and software. Motherboard A mainboard that provides basic connection between all the other hardware components and devices (internal and external).
computer                                                                        👉  A programmable machine that performs high-speed processing of numbers, as well as of text, graphics, symbols, and sound. All computers contain a central processing unit that interprets and executes instructions; input devices, such as a keyboard and a mouse, through which data and commands enter the computer; memory that enables the computer to store programs and data; and output devices, such as printers and display screens, that show the results after the computer has processed data. COMPUTER DIFINITION ︖ 😄👉   An electronic device that stores and manipulates information. Unlike a  calculator , it is able to store a  program  and retrieve information from its memory. Most computers today are digital, which means they perform operations with quantities represented electronically as digits. Major types of computers Analog computer  - represents data by measurable quantities Desktop computer  - a person
COMPUTER BASIC KNOWLEDGE What is Computer   : Computer is an electronic device that is designed to work  with  Information .  The term computer  is  derived from the Latin term  ‘ computare ’, this means  to  calculate  or  programmable machine .  Computer can not do anything without a  Program . It represents the decimal numbers through a string of  binary digits . The Word  ‘Computer’ usually refers to the Center Processor Unit plus Internal memory. Charles Babbage  is called the “Grand Father” of the computer. The First mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called  Analytical Engine .  It uses read-only memory in the form of punch cards. Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes these data under the control of set of instructions (called program) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the future use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations. Digital Comput
       COMPUTER'S                  👇          Random access memory ( RAM ) :-                                                                                     What it is RAM, also known as volatile memory, stores data regarding frequently accessed programs and processes. ( it's called volatile memory because it gate erased every time the computer restarts.)                                                       What it does. RAM helps programs and games start up and close quickly.        👇                   Storage:-                                      What it is. All computers need somewhere to store their data. Modern computers either use a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or soild state Drive (SSD).  
COMPUTER PARTS NAME AND DEFINITION    ( COMPUTER )          👇          ( MOTHERBOARD ) :- What it is. All components of  a computer communicate through a circuit board called the motherboard, as was mentioned above.                                                                                         What it does. Think of the motherboard    as the glue that holds everything else together. ( The Raspberry Pi, like the one featured in our summer course for kids, build and code your Own Take - Home Laptop is a motherboard. ) The motherboard's video card and Central processing Unit are contained in an integrated ( build - in ) chipset, shown in the picture below:     THIS IS WHERE INPUT/ OUTPUT DEVICES SUCH AS A KEYBOARD, MOUSE, AND SPEAKERS GET PLUGGED IN.           👇   CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT ( CPU ) :-  What it is. The CPU  is often called the "brain" of a computer , thanks to its direct plug connection to the  Motherboard, and communication with all of the compute